7th & 8th Grades
9th to 12th Grades
Classes on Sundays at 5:45PM, September through May
Confirmation for seventh and eighth graders at Christ Church strives to give our young people all of the spiritual tools and perspective they need to develop a strong mature faith. At the end of the two-year curriculum, young people who have attended class and church faithfully and who have completed their work may, if they wish, be confirmed. Confirmation should be a mature reaffirmation of Baptismal promises, made by those who truly wish to commit themselves to the belief and practice of the Christian faith. We therefore make a point of telling the students in our class that Confirmation is not demanded of them and is not automatic at the end of the two years. They will decide what is best for them, in consultation with their parents and with the clergy.
This year, Confirmation is taught by Father Kurt and Mother Kathryn. Youth confirmands will explore the Holy Scripture and how to interpret its truth in the 21st century. Confirmation investigates the choices we make in life, and how those choices affect others. How do faith and action inform each other? How do we live into and understand fully what it means to be a Christian? During their time together, the youth will be encouraged and taught to share statements of faith as well as questions and expressions of doubt, skepticism and dismay. These classes offer a safe place where our young people can explore the concept and meaning of God in our church and in their own lives.
As an integral part of our program, all confirmands participate in service to Christ Church and to the larger community. This allows us to put what we teach into action and allows us time with the kids beyond Wednesday nights. Youth serve as torchbearers in Holy Eucharist, assist with Church School on Sunday mornings, and gather together for a variety of opportunities to serve the wider community.
If you’re interested in joining, please contact Fr. Kurt at
Episcopal Youth Community
The EYC is our high school community, and consists of young people from many different schools, towns, and churches. We worship, sing, play, serve others, discuss our faith, share personal stories, and constantly look for new ways to practice our Christian mission. We also eat—a lot.
This year, EYC meets every Monday evening from 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Youth Room, with dinner provided.
In addition to these weekly meetings, the EYC participates in regular service projects, trips to New York City, small group dinners, retreats, and more. Furthermore, our year is anchored by a significant pilgrimage to the Monastery at Taizé in February for prayer, reflection, reconciliation and personal growth (More Information). Registration for 2025 Taizé is available now. The dates are February 13-23, 2025. Make a Taizé tuition payment online.
Our theme for this year is The Way of Love, inspired by the writings of Bishop Michael Curry. The verses that will center our year come from 1 John 4:7-8, which reads, "Beloved, let us love one another because love is from God; everyone who loves God is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love." During our gatherings, we will have intentional conversations about what it means to live a life of love, how to find God’s love and other topics.
Check out the EYC Rule of Life, written by and for our high school teens!
We also put together this video for praying Compline (pdf) at home!
If you’re interested in joining, please contact Laura Fairchild, CCB youth minister at