Adult Fellowship
Adult Education
Women’s Guild
Adult Formation
We are all at different stages of our spiritual pilgrimage. The Adult programs at Christ Church Bronxville are designed to provide fruitful opportunities for reflection, fellowship, education and spiritual growth to help us along the way. It is our hope and our belief that participating in these programs will enrich our lives, soothe our souls and bring great joy.
Throughout the year, we will offer Adult Formation classes after the 10am service. They are between three and six weeks at a time on a variety of topics.
Young Adults Fellowship Group
We are thrilled that this group continues to expand! A fun and diverse group, we are single and married young adults, with and without children, from Westchester and NYC. We meet once a month to serve our community together, study scripture together, and simply spend time together. Please bring any ideas for outreach, social and worship events. Feel free to bring friends. We can’t wait to see you!
Contact the Rev. Leanne Dodge to be added to our mailing list!
LGBTQ+ and Friends
We are a group of parishioners and non-parishioners apart of the LGBTQ+ community who in 2011 began gathering in homes for monthly festive potluck dinners. In addition to these casual social events, we strive to be an active part of our parish by hosting events that raise awareness about LGBTQ+ issues, and we aim to reach out to others who identify as LGBTQ+ beyond our church community. All are always welcome and encouraged to join us.
Those interested in joining are invited to contact Marcie Mulé at
Women's Guild
The Women’s Guild welcomes all CCB women as members at any time throughout the year. We meet the second Monday of each month, usually at 3 pm, from September through June to discern ways we might contribute to the well-being of both our parish family and the surrounding community. As we go through this process of identifying projects and passions to which we can apply our talents, we spend time together in a variety of ways. Selected activities include volunteering at HOPE Soup Kitchen, supporting our refugee family, sponsoring an Advent bake sale and Lenten quiet day, enjoying lunch together and visiting museums and other cultural events. Fellowship and getting to know each other more deeply are key elements of our group.
Contact Liz Folberth or Charlotte Church if you’d like to get involved.